Jonah, Jan 3 2007 Well, Jonah joined our family January 2nd, 2007, at 6:56 p.m. Look at all that blonde hair–I wonder where it came from…

He weighed in at 9 pounds 2 ounces, managing to beat big brother’s birth weight by 5 ounces. He was 20 and 3/4 inches long–nice and big and healthy.

Labor was long (12 hours), but great (of course, thank goodness for the epidural). Jonah came out in 3 pushes with no problems. I guess I do have to thank mom for these hips afterall.

It’s now Thursday evening and we’ve been home for a few hours. Jonah is nursing well and currently sleeping (which of course is what I should be doing too!) I just wanted to get up the initial pic and let all of our family and friends see our new little miracle.

Aunt Ivonne was in attedence playing a duel role–support for mom and memory keeper. She took about a gazillion photos. As soon as I hijack her camera, I’ll get more of the pics up. Thank you to everyone who has called and/or emailed us wishing us well. Life is good for the Johnsons–we have been blessed with an amazing family both near and far. We love you all!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Chris and Melissa during labor

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5 Comments on “Welcome to the world, Jonah Edward Johnson!”

  1. Hooray – another healthy baby for an amazing family! He is so darn cute and you look great!

    We love you amd are thinking of you often:)

  2. He is absolutely beautiful! I wish I could have looked as good as you did after delivery! Congratulations.


    Michelle, James, and Hunter

  3. What a stunning nephew!! I can’t wait to get up there and see the Johnsons. I love you all to pieces. Congtratulations! Love, Uncle Cory

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