Well, it’s been two weeks at home with Jonah and things are going great. He is eating like a champ. As of last Thursday he had regained the weight he lost, plus 2 more ounces–putting him at 9 pds 4 oz. He “goes to bed” between 9 and 11 and actually sleeps for 4-5 hours! What a difference a little sleep makes (on me, not baby–just ask Chris, he’ll tell you!). Then he wakes up, eats some more, and goes back to bed for a few hours. Woo hoo!

The other great sleeping news is that, after 1+ years, Zachary is finally sleeping in his own bed. It took one Nintendo Gamecube with the Legos Star Wars game as a bribe (or should I say “incentive”), but he’s now slumbering away in his own bed. While I miss him (heavy sigh), I can’t have Jonah waking him up every few hours.

Speaking of Zachary, Jonah couldn’t have asked for a better big brother. Zachary’s always ready to help change diapers (he hands me the diapers and then flips the lid in the diaper pail), he’s always got a kiss ready, and he sits with Jonah on his lap at least once a day. So far we’ve seen no signs of jealousy or irritation. Only patience, interspersed with a few eye rolls here and there.

For those of you who just can’t get enough eye candy click here to see a slideshow of Jonah’s first two days.

Life is good!!!



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